19 hatched!!! 18 in the brooder, 4 eggs to go!
Results of this clutch are:
27 eggs set 2/14/2010
2 infertile on Day 10 (removed day 14)
2 early quitters removed Day 18
19 hatched on the 5th (due the 7th)
4 eggs left in the incubator (doing nothing yet).
we will give them another 2 days, to do something before we remove them.
Fertility 92.59% Hatchability 70.37%

this is one Rooster over 33 hens.

hatch rates are improving (with my experience level)

Set # 1 0 chicks/6 eggs

Set #2  4 chicks/9 eggs

Set #3  4 chicks/7 eggs

Set #4 19chicks/27 eggs

I will update this as I find out about the other 4 eggs in the incubator.

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